Latest finds Old glazier's sign, stained glass maker. Old triptych wall mirror. Rare shop wall display, collector's item... Old wall display cabinet of a store, hotel... Old store counter. Old large peg display. Old shoe shop display. Old clamp displays. Old shoe shop display. Display stand for a single walking stick. Hair salon door handles. Pair of door handles. See all the latest finds
Vintage shop display cases Exceptional pair of old luxury store display cases. Pair of antique shop wall display cases. Pair of antique shop wall display cases. Old shop display case to place on a counter or a table. See all the vintage shop display cases
Shop decoration Two old signs of Bakery, pastry shop. Set of five doors for a bakery, pastry shop, confectionery, chocolate shop, tea room. Set of five doors for a bakery, pastry shop, confectionery, chocolate shop, tea room. Set of five doors for a bakery, pastry shop, confectionery, chocolate shop, tea room. See all the shop decoration
Light Old suspension lamp. Pair of ceiling lights . Vintage small suspension lamp. Vintage small suspension lamp. See all the lights
In situ Le gamin à dix doigts. HOTEL LES RIVES OCEANIK Antoinette Poisson PUYODEBAT PARIS See all the In situ